Downtown Initiative

The City of Chester and CEDA are currently focusing economic development initiatives on the once-thriving historic downtown, locally referred to as "Overtown." Overtown has been defined as the area surrounding the Chester Transportation Center, bound to the north by 9th Street, to the east by Avenue of the States and Welsh Street, to the south by 4th Street, and to the west by Sproul Street and Edgmont Avenue.  


(Photo courtesy of the Delaware County HIstorical Society: Speare Brothers Department Store at 7th Street and Edgmont Avenue in downtown Chester, a popular destination for shoppers)


Overtown Revitalization Committee

CEDA has assembled a group called the Overtown Revitalization Committee that consists of downtown residents, business and property owners, city Council, and city officials. From this large group, four sub-committees were formed based on the Main Street Approach to downtown revitalization. Those committees are the Clean & Green Committee, the Arts, Marketing, and Events Committee, the Business Development Committee, and the Urban Design & Zoning Committee.

Through this effort, a Central Business District Coalition has develop a shared vision for a new arts and cultural presence in the downtown area. The coalition has also worked with a local manufacturing firm to establish a network of electronic signage across the City that will market the virtues of Chester while generating needed revenue for the City from associated advertising fees.